About Me

Online Therapy in English and Hungarian

Overcome anxiety and low self-confidence, reach your self-improvement goals with me.

Anna Ryan

Therapist (Dip. CBH)

about me anna ryan therapy
Anna Ryan
Dip. CBH

Director of Meditable Ltd.
where we provide mental health services and created the popular meditation app called Meditable and the Meditable Goal Meditations Youtube Channel.

Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy
from the UK College of Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy

International Relations Expert
Corvinus University of Budapest

Professional Membership
World Association for Psychosocial Rehabilitation

Conquering Fear and Unlocking Potential

My name is Anna Ryan. I am a cognitive-behavioural hypnotherapist. I provide 1:1 consultations for people facing challenges in their lives that seem insurmountable alone.

Whether it is the beginning of a new life phase, the determination to overcome long-standing problems or the desire to get a better understanding of yourself, cognitive-behavioural therapy can support you effectively in reaching your goals.
Instead of limiting the therapy to a single aspect of the problem, I adopt a holistic approach and aim to address my clients’ issues in its complexity.

Making positive changes in one area can have a significant trickle-down effect and benefit other areas of life as well.
I never considered myself a person who likes performing or speaking in front of a large audience, and I felt strong anxiety when I had to do so. This is why taking part in an international debating competition was such a transformative experience for me.

I didn’t just learn to outbrave my fears, but also made me a more confident person – and brought me the victory in the end. During this journey I learned a lot about myself and about the power that lies in the combination of the right mindset and a strong will.

I am dedicated to showing you how much is possible just by using the power of your mind.

My Mission

I believe that we all possess the resources we need to change our lives for the better, it is just some additional guidance and support we sometimes need to help us find and exploit these.

I help my clients restate their priorities, reclaim control over their lives and develop the skills that help them cope in the face of adversities.
In my practice, I offer personalized treatment using modern, evidence-based methods to help you reach the desired goals and make long-lasting positive changes to your life.

Therapy sessions include ‘talking therapy’, ‘eyes-closed’ exercises, homework to practise between sessions and providing additional materials.
Equipping you with the right tools will help you take charge of your mental health and empower you to navigate life’s challenges confidently.


1st Place
UNESCO Clubs Worldwide Multimedia Contest

2nd Place
‘Hungary in the EU, the EU in the world’
Essay Writing Competition by the Prime Minister’s Office, the President of the Hungarian National Assembly and the Committee on European Affairs

1st Place
EU Crisis: Migrants or Refugees
Negomoot – International Negotiation Simulation Competition

Special Award
EU Crisis: Migrants or Refugees
Negomoot – International Negotiation Simulation Competition

1st Place
Jugend Debattiert International – International Debating Competition in German language

Anna Ryan Therapy is available online.

Virtual therapy has proven to be as effective as therapy conducted in person.